Admissions Information and Policies
Financial Aid Information and Policies
Academic Advising
Disability Services
Registration Policies
Developmental Courses
Academic Progress
Grading Policies
Attendance and Tardiness
Graduation Policies
Recognition of Academic Achievement
Student Records
The academic policies and procedures contained in this section are necessary reading for all students attending Springfield Technical Community College.
Admissions Information and Policies
Admission Policy
Springfield Technical Community College maintains an open-door admission policy. As long as an applicant has earned a high school diploma from an accredited high school or a high school equivalent (GED or HiSET) he/she will be admitted to the College.
十大彩票平台 does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, genetic information, maternity leave, military service, and national origin, in its educational opportunities, programs, activities and employment. Title IX protects any person from sex-based discrimination, harassment, and violence regardless of their gender expression or gender identity. This includes female, male, transgender, and gender non-conforming students, faculty, and staff.
Please note that certain academically competitive programs may have additional admitting requirements as well as specific application deadlines. Applicants should consult the web page relating to their program of choice regarding any potential admissions requirements and/or deadline.
High School or GED / HiSET Verification Related to US Federally Declared Natural Disaster Areas:
The College has a process for assisting applicants from US federally declared natural disaster areas who cannot obtain official high school or GED / HiSET documentation due to circumstances directly related to the natural disaster. Examples of declared natural disasters include the 2017 hurricanes that impacted Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas. (These disasters are chronicled on In order to utilize this access point, a person would submit an admissions application and complete a Certification of High School Graduation form that is available at the Admissions Office. Along with their admissions application, they would submit an email or official letter on letterhead from an official at their high school or school district verifying the applicant graduated or passed the GED/HiSET exam. If an applicant has an original diploma, a copy could be made at the Admissions Office and submitted with their admissions application as proof of graduation instead of an email or letter of verification from the school they graduated. Once admitted, the applicant must continue to attempt to obtain the official records.
Entrance Assessment
十大彩票平台 is committed to the academic success of all entering students. The college develops an Entrance Assessment Review to provide every student with proper advising and to promote retention. The Entrance Assessment Review is used to evaluate student competency in reading, writing, mathematics, and keyboard skills, and aids 十大彩票平台 students and advisors in planning an appropriate course of study. This testing is required before registering for classes. No credit is awarded on the basis of entrance assessments.
- All incoming students matriculating in degree, certificate, or certificate of completion programs will complete the entrance assessment before registering for classes. If the results reveal a need for a stronger foundation in vital academic skills, students will be directed to appropriate developmental courses and support services.
- Students whose reviews indicate a need to further develop skills in reading, writing, mathematics, or keyboard skills must complete appropriate developmental courses designated to prepare students to succeed in college-level programs. Completion of developmental coursework may extend the time required to complete a degree or certificate program.
Exemptions may apply to:
- Students transferring equivalent college-level coursework into 十大彩票平台 from an accredited post-secondary institution; course transfer requires a grade of “C-” or better.
- High school graduates with a cumulative high school GPA of 2.7 earned within the past three years (for math exemption) or the past ten years (for reading and writing exemptions) (effective for new 十大彩票平台 students beginning in the Fall 0f 2019 or later)
- Students transferring Accuplacer scores from another institution (scores must be two years old or less, and students should request that they be submitted to the Testing and Assessment Center in a sealed envelope).
- Students having mathematics, English writing, reading or keyboard skills examination scores on 十大彩票平台 Entrance Assessments which are two years old or less.
- Students who have completed coursework in English, reading, and mathematics at 十大彩票平台, with a grade level of C- or better.
Students who feel that their placement assessment results do not accurately reflect their skill level in a particular area (reading writing, math and/or keyboarding) may request a retest. Students must wait at least five (5) calendar days before retesting, to allow ample time for students to prepare for the retest, and only one retest per subject area will be allowed. The College will consider a student’s highest placement result (whether the original result or the retest result) when determining the student’s placement level.
Transfer Credit Policy
十大彩票平台’s transfer credit policy is consistent with the Massachusetts Community College Transfer Principles, which can be found here .
Courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges and institutions may be transferable to 十大彩票平台. Applicants should have copies of their official transcripts forwarded directly from previous institutions to the Admissions Office for transfer credit evaluation. Transfer credit is not reviewed or awarded until an applicant has been accepted into an academic program at 十大彩票平台.
Applicants who have had previous college experience must submit all official college transcripts whether or not they are seeking transfer credit. All submitted transcripts become the property of 十大彩票平台 and will not be returned. In order to meet the residency requirements, a minimum of 25% of a program’s credits must be taken at 十大彩票平台 to receive a degree. The remainder may be taken at other institutions. Please know that an applicant may be asked to provide a course description to clarify the content of a course before transfer credit can be considered. Only courses in which the student has earned a “C-“ grade or better, are similar in content to those required in the student’s program at 十大彩票平台, carry at least the same credit load as the 十大彩票平台 equivalent, are applicable to the student’s current academic program at 十大彩票平台, and have been earned at a regionally accredited institution will be accepted. Please note that some academic programs require a higher earned grade than a C- due to curriculum requirements. Some upper level or specialized courses may need to be reviewed by the applicants academic program chairperson in order to determine transfer credit eligibility.
Once college transfer credit, AP credit, Challenge credit or CLEP credit is awarded it cannot be removed from a student’s transcript at a later point.
Transfer applications are usually accepted for admission to the College in both September and January; however, the number of programs open for admission in January is limited. Contact the Admissions Office for further information.
Advanced Standing may also be granted to students who complete any of the following standardized tests:
For students who have recently taken developmental coursework in math at other western Massachusetts community colleges (Holyoke Community College, Greenfield Community College, and Berkshire Community College), it is currently the policy of 十大彩票平台 to consider successfully-completed developmental coursework when determining the placement of incoming 十大彩票平台 students.
Applicants who have successfully completed developmental math coursework from one of the above institutions should have copies of their official transcripts forwarded directly from that institution to the 十大彩票平台 Admissions Office for evaluation (transcripts are generally not reviewed until an applicant has been accepted into an academic program at 十大彩票平台). Only developmental math courses taken at the above institutions no more than two years prior to transfer and for which a grade of C- or better was received will be used to determine math placement at 十大彩票平台. (For example, a student who has successfully completed a course equivalent to Algebra I will be placed into the Algebra II level at 十大彩票平台).
The developmental coursework from the previous institution will be used only for placement purposes and will not appear as Transfer credit on the 十大彩票平台 transcript. The final decision of determining math placement based on previously-completed math coursework will rest with the 十大彩票平台 Admissions Office.
Applicants with a high school transcript in a language other than English must submit a certified translation of their transcript. The translated document must clearly indicate that the student completed the equivalent of secondary school education, and when possible, a grade evaluation should be performed for each subject.
Applicants who attended college outside of the United States must have their transcripts translated into English and evaluated for grading equivalency. The evaluation should include course titles, completed credit/semester hours, and letter grades earned for each course. Transfer credits cannot be awarded without an evaluation.
A credit translation and/or evaluation must be performed by a certified evaluation service. Commonly used certified services for educational evaluation and translation in the United States include:
North American Educational Group (NAEG) | |
1-888-539-2804 |
Center for Educational Documentation (CED) | |
1-617-338-7171 |
World Education Services (WED) | |
1-212-966-6311 |
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Translation Center (translation services only) | |
1-413-545-2203 |
The applicant is responsible for any fees associated with evaluation or translation services. One of the four listed services is highly recommended to ensure proper document evaluation and translation.
Please know that all documents submitted to 十大彩票平台 that relate to admissions or transfer credits become property of the College and will not be returned.
A student has the right to appeal a decision made about their transfer credits. In order to have credits reconsidered for incoming transfer, a student should submit a written statement indicating which course or courses they would like reconsidered and why. The statement should be submitted to Admissions Coordinator Michael Rossi at Such a statement should be submitted within 14 days of the initial transfer credit review and notification. The appeal process may require that the student produce more documentation about the course (for example, a course syllabus).
VALOR Act Academic Credit Evaluation Policy (for military experience and coursework)
Applicants with previous military experience or coursework seeking transfer credit should supply the Admissions Office with related documentation. Awarding of credit for military training, coursework and experience is evaluated via the American Council of Education Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services or by CLEP testing. Credits would need to be required within a student’s academic program in order to be awarded. The campus contact person for information about the VALOR Act Academic Credit Evaluation Policy is Kimberly Reese, Veterans Academic Counselor (who may be contacted at 413-755-5343 or at
CLEP, AP and Challenge Credit
The College may award up to 45 credits to persons who successfully complete examinations in specific subject areas given at the College under the aegis of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or a series of Challenge Exams developed by the College.
The CLEP subject examinations cover a wide range of disciplines and allow applicants to demonstrate proficiency in areas where they have acquired knowledge through non-traditional learning situations. Credits earned through CLEP examinations allow the College to waive introductory courses which the student would normally be required to take. CLEP credits will be awarded by 十大彩票平台 if and only if the student is currently registered in a degree or certificate program at 十大彩票平台.
The College has produced challenge examinations in subject-matter areas not found in the CLEP battery so that people who wish to demonstrate competence in specialized areas may do so. Students who feel that they possess above average competence in a subject area should not hesitate to consult the 十大彩票平台 Testing Coordinator at 755-4689 for further information, consultation and testing. CLEP and Challenge credits cannot be used to replace or improve a grade already on a student’s transcript. Only students enrolled in degree or certificate programs at 十大彩票平台 are eligible to take Challenge Exams. More information about CLEP exams can be found here.
Advanced Placement (AP) Examination scores range from 1 to 5 points. At 十大彩票平台, AP scores of 3, 4, and 5 are acceptable as the equivalent of college-level course work. Official College Board scores must be submitted to the Admissions Office for review in order for credit to be considered.
Click here to view an updated list of AP exams that can be accepted for credit at 十大彩票平台.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
Springfield Technical Community College (十大彩票平台) recognizes that students may possess knowledge and skills acquired through various learning experiences outside of our academic programs, including but not limited to work experience, professional training, military training, and other educational domains. As part of our commitment to supporting diverse learning pathways and facilitating student success, 十大彩票平台 offers opportunities for students to earn academic credit (“Credit for Prior Learning” or CPL) through various options [which are defined in an Alternative Sources of Credit resource that includes, but is not limited to, Advanced Placement, Portfolio and Military Experience]. Qualified faculty in each discipline will define the course criteria and assess fulfillment to determine the credit awarded, with final approval by the appropriate Division Dean as the representative of the Division of Academic Affairs.
Credit Limitation: Students may earn a maximum of 30 credits through CPL towards their Associate degree at 十大彩票平台; no more than 25% of credits required for a Certificate program may be earned.
The transferability of CPL credits awarded at 十大彩票平台 to other institutions is not guaranteed. Acceptance of CPL credits is subject to the policies and requirements of the receiving institution; it is the student’s responsibility to consult with their intended transfer institutions regarding the acceptance and applicability of CPL credits. Students pursuing CPL are strongly encouraged to complete their Associate degree or Certificate program at 十大彩票平台.
Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy 
The Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy is an official designation that provides recognition of high school graduates who demonstrate proficiency in English and at least one other language. School districts may award the State Seal of Biliteracy to graduates who meet all three of the following requirements:
satisfy the modified competency determination requirements for graduation;
earn a score of intermediate high or higher on a Department of Elementary and Secondary Education-approved world language assessment; and
satisfy all other graduation requirements.
Students who earn the State Seal of Biliteracy demonstrate the English and world language skills that are often necessary to succeed in multilingual post-secondary academic and professional settings. The State Seal of Biliteracy takes the form of a seal that appears on the transcript or diploma of the graduating senior and is a statement of accomplishment for future employers and for college admissions.
Recipients of the State Seal of Biliteracy who are accepted to 十大彩票平台 will earn college credit at the point of admission. Students will receive:
Placement into college-level English Composition without the need for English placement assessment or developmental courses
9 credits (3 semesters at 3 credits each) of Humanities Electives for the Seal of Biliteracy
12 credits (4 semesters at 3 credits each) of Humanities Electives for the Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction
Transferability of Credits: On 十大彩票平台 transcripts, these credits will be identified as TR (for transfer), and can be used to satisfy humanities electives and/or general electives at 十大彩票平台. Because each college and university determines if or how the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy will be recognized at their institutions, please be aware that credits awarded by 十大彩票平台 for the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy may or may not be transferable to another college.
Academic Forgiveness (Fresh Start) Policy
Intended to address the needs of students who have had serious academic difficulties, the Fresh Start policy allows students a one-time opportunity to have unsatisfactory grades removed from their official academic record. Only students returning to 十大彩票平台 in a degree or certificate program after a separation from the College of two or more years with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 are eligible to apply for Fresh Start. Students who have previously earned a certificate or degree from 十大彩票平台 will not be eligible for Fresh Start consideration.
Students must apply for Fresh Start status within 12 months of their return to the College. If approved, all previous unsatisfactory grades (and associated credits) will be excluded from the student’s official transcript from that point forward. Previous courses (including developmental courses) in which a grade of C- or better was earned will remain on the student’s official transcript. Such courses will be indicated with a grade of TS on the student’s transcript, and will not be calculated into the student’s GPA, but may be used to meet prerequisite and curricular requirements.
Fresh Start status does not apply to financial aid eligibility. Financial aid recipients must be making satisfactory progress towards their degree or certificate, and their complete academic history will be reviewed when determining eligibility for aid. Likewise, outstanding financial obligations incurred by the student prior to his/her Fresh Start approval remain the responsibility of the student. Once a request for Fresh Start is approved, the academic record will be changed accordingly, and these changes cannot be reversed.
To submit the Fresh Start Appeal Form electronically (十大彩票平台 username and password required), click here.
Immunization Policy
105 CMR 220.600 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS TAKING 12 CREDITS OR MORE, ALL STUDENTS IN A HEALTH FIELD, AND ALL STUDENTS ON A VISA must present a medical certificate indicating they are immune to measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and varicella.
All students enrolled in the School of Health and Patient Simulation or in the Early Childhood Education program, or participants in any clinical work with patients/clients, will have additional immunization requirements. Specific medical record requirements vary within these programs, depending on clinical work and placement. For more details contact the Health Services office at (413) 755-4230 or
Home Schooling Policy
All home-schooled students without a high school diploma or GED are eligible to apply for admission to a degree or certificate program provided they have successfully completed an approved home school program in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, or the laws of their home state. If a home-schooled student has not completed an approved home school program, then the student will not be eligible to enroll in a degree or certificate program. Such students are encourage to take and pass the GED/HiSET exam.
To determine whether a student has participated in an approved home school program, the student shall submit, with the application for admission, evidence that the home school program was approved by the students school district’s superintendent or school committee. Additionally, if the home-schooled student is under the age of compulsory attendance, which is 16 years old in Massachusetts, a letter from the students school districts superintendent or school committee is required, stating that the student is not considered truant and would not be required to attend further schooling or continue to be home-schooled if the student has completed his or her home school program before the age of 16.
The college reserves the right to limit or deny enrollment of any student under the age of 16 in a course or program based on a case-by-case consideration of a variety of factors, including but not limited to: the students maturity, life experience, placement test scores, prior education, course content, instructional methodology, and potential risks associated with participation in a particular course or program.
Undocumented & DACA Students
Springfield Technical Community College welcomes applications from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and undocumented students.
In-State Tuition and Fees Benefit
DACA students are eligible for in-state tuition and fees. Submit the following documents with your admissions application:
- C-33 work permit (Employment Authorization Documentation)
- I-797 (Notice of Action)
- Proof of Massachusetts residency
Paying for College
Undocumented and DACA students are not eligible for state or federal financial aid. We encourage you to review the 十大彩票平台 payment plan and apply for 十大彩票平台 scholarships.
As a DACA student, you are eligible for tuition credit if you’ve received the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship.
If you have questions, please email
Technical Standards
The School of Health and Patient Simulation and the School of Engineering Technologies and Mathematics have established a set of specific technical standards which are required in the profession and which are necessary in order to affiliate in the clinical agencies and ultimately practice in the profession. It should be noted that under the Americans With Disabilities Act, “A qualified person with a disability is one who can perform the essential function of a job with or without reasonable accommodation.”
The technical standards are not conditions of admission to a program of study. They reflect performance abilities that are necessary for a student to successfully complete the requirements of specified programs. Technical standards information can be found on the program information pages.
Prior to enrollment within these schools, each student will be required to sign and return a form indicating that he or she has read and understands the technical standards established for the specific program in which he or she is enrolling.
Readmission Policy
Matriculated students who, after initial enrollment into their academic program, do not enroll in any credit classes for a period of 2.5 years must reapply to the College if they wish to re-enroll. If a student seeks to continue their education in the same academic program, they will be subject to the requirements in place at the time of their re-admittance. Students in competitive-admissions programs (such as many of the College’s health programs) who fail to meet the academic and administrative requirements of their program will be removed from their program, and required to reapply to the College if they wish to re-enroll (in some cases, specific program readmission requirements must be satisfied such as those in the School of Health and Patient Simulation).
Financial Aid Information and Policies
Financial Aid is available for students who need assistance with paying for their college education. Each year, students are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). They can apply online at The 十大彩票平台 Federal School Code is 005549. For assistance with completing the FAFSA, please visit the Financial Aid website for a list of available resources at:
The priority deadline for the Fall semester is May 1st. Students are encouraged to complete the financial aid process as soon as possible so they can be awarded prior to the start of the semester.
For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at (413) 755-4214 or
In determining financial aid eligibility, the Financial Aid Office evaluates the cost of attending 十大彩票平台 (such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, transportation, and other general living expenses). Financial aid is determined by a student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which is calculated based on the FAFSA, as well as the availability of funds at the college. Some students may be eligible only for loans. Additional eligibility requirements can be viewed at:
Students will be notified once their financial aid file has been reviewed. If they are eligible for financial aid they will receive a notification directing them to ARIES to view the Financial Aid Award Letter indicating the type and amount of financial aid offered. These awards are based on full time enrollment (12 or more credits). If students enroll for fewer than 12 credits, their awards will be adjusted when their enrollment status is certified by the Registrar’s Office (after the end of add/drop). The 十大彩票平台 email account should be checked for regular updates from the Financial Aid Office as some communications (such as Bookstore Voucher notifications) will be sent exclusively through this method.
Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy:
The following policy regarding financial aid is based on federal regulations. The amount of your financial aid award is based on attending the entire semester. If you withdraw from school, you must fill out a withdrawal request on ARIES. If you stop attending all of your classes (officially or unofficially), a return of funds calculation will be processed based on the date you submit your withdrawal request and your award eligibility may be adjusted. This may result in a bill owed to 十大彩票平台.
十大彩票平台 does not have an attendance policy. However, the institution monitors attendance based on mid-semester and final grades. If you are not passing any of your classes and your professors report a last date of attendance prior to the end of the fifth week, Student Financial Services may assume you are no longer attending and process the calculation. If no last date of attendance is reported, we will contact your professor. If the last date of attendance cannot be determined, the return of funds calculation will be processed at 50%. Whether the withdrawal is official or unofficial, once the institutional last day of attendance has been established, the refund calculation will be processed within 30 days from the time the date has been confirmed. Funds will be returned within 45 days of the confirmation of the last date of attendance. The funds are returned in the following order: Unsubsidized Stafford loan, Subsidized Stafford loan, Direct PLUS loan, Pell, SEOG, and Iraq/Afghanistan Service Grant. Additional information about withdrawing from the College can be viewed at:
Satisfactory Academic Policy (SAP):
The following Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is in compliance with federal regulations issued July 1, 2011.
The mission of the U.S. Department of Education is to assist students who are academically progressing towards their goal of attaining a degree or certificate. To assure this goal is met, the U.S. Department of Education requires colleges to determine whether financial aid is being utilized in the most effective way. It is the responsibility of the 十大彩票平台 Financial Aid Office to monitor each financial aid applicant’s academic work and to confirm the student’s academic success and continued financial aid eligibility or to determine if a student is not academically progressing toward the goal of degree attainment. This also includes credits not paid for by financial aid.
Note: If a student is suspended from the college, this issue must be resolved first before financial aid will review an appeal. Academic standing is administered through the Student Success Center. The phone number is (413) 755-4715. To view the Academic Standing Policy please go here. This policy for financial aid purposes is more restrictive than the institution’s academic standing policy.
- Rate of Completion (Passing Percentage):
Students must successfully pass at least 66.66% of all credits attempted.
- Transfer credits, ESL, and remedial coursework are included in the passing percentage calculation.
- Only grades of A, B, C, and D are considered successful completion in the percentage calculation.
- Grades of W, F or I (incomplete) would adversely affect a student’s rate of completion.
Example: The total number of credits attempted is 48 credits. You must successfully complete at least 32 credits (48 credits X 66.66% = 32 credits)
- Cumulative grade point average:
Students are expected to maintain the following minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) for financial aid purposes:
Attempted Credits
Minimum GPA
1 - 12
13 - 21
22 - 30
31 +
All courses attempted with earned grades of A, B, C, D, and F are included in the GPA calculation (see additional information for treatment of fresh start, incompletes, and repeated grades).
- Maximum Time Frame (Length of time):
Students must complete their program in less than 150% of the published length of the educational program. Students who do not complete their program within this time frame are no longer eligible to receive financial aid.
In addition, the following apply:
Example: Liberal Arts Transfer (LTTR) is a 60-credit program. You cannot attempt more than 90 credits (60 credits X 150% = 90 credits) In order to maintain an acceptable pace of completion, students should be completing at least 66.66% of their attempted credits in order to complete their program of study prior to the 150% point.
PLEASE NOTE: Students who have graduated from 十大彩票平台 or have exceeded 150% of their current program may not be eligible for financial aid if only taking pre-requisites for a prospective program.
SAP Review and Appeal Process
- SAP is evaluated annually, at the end of each Spring semester. (With the exception of certificate programs and students on probation in which cases SAP is run at the end of each term of enrollment).
- If a student has reached 110% of their program length, they will be sent an alert notifying them that they are approaching the maximum length of time for financial aid eligibility. The student is still eligible to receive financial aid at this point in time.
- Failure to meet SAP standards will result in unsatisfactory academic progress; the student will be notified.
- If a student has extenuating circumstances, they have a right to appeal (in writing) explaining why they didn’t make satisfactory progress. Examples of extenuating circumstances include medical, personal, or family problems, change of major, or military service. Please attach appropriate documentation of support.
- If a student’s appeal is approved, they may be placed on probation for the next semester with the following condition; that the student must make satisfactory academic progress or meet the conditions of probation. Failure to meet this condition will result in unsatisfactory academic progress.
- At the discretion of the Financial Aid Office, the student may be placed on probation with an academic plan. If a student is placed on an academic plan, additional requirements will be outlined for students on a case-by-case basis.
- The student will be notified once their appeal is reviewed. Turn around time is approximately 2 weeks; however, due to the limited time between semesters students may not receive notification prior to the start of the following semester. . The student must make their own financial arrangements to pay their bill.
- If a student is currently receiving financial aid or their application is being reviewed, their application and/or aid will be placed on hold until a decision is made on their appeal. If the student has a tuition bill for the following semester, they must make their own payment arrangements.
- If an appeal is denied, the student must take classes at their own expense. The student must demonstrate they can successfully complete classes as guided by the Financial Aid Office. Course work taken at other colleges will not be considered for reinstatement purposes.
Additional Information
- FRESH START: The Financial Aid Office follows the college policy and will recognize your Fresh Start status. Courses accepted under this forgiveness clause will not be included in the cumulative GPA or rate of completion calculations, but are counted toward total credits attempted.
- INCOMPLETES: If your SAP status was unsatisfactory in part due to an Incomplete Grade, please contact the Financial Aid Office immediately upon receiving your grade change. We will recalculate your SAP based on the grade change.
- REPEATED COURSES: The SAP policy will follow the college policy on repeated courses. Students may repeat a course. Please refer to the 十大彩票平台 academic policy to determine which letter grade will be used. All repeated courses are included in attempted courses.
Academic Advising
In keeping with the College’s commitment to the success of its students, academic advising services are offered to all students. Critical to academic success, academic advising is a shared process between student and advisor that emphasizes the clarification and achievement of the student’s academic goals.
All students accepted into a degree or certificate program at the College have access to an academic advisor, who is a member of the faculty or professional staff. Students who have identified a field of study are typically assigned to advisors who have expertise in the students’ field of interest, while students who are unsure about their goals are assigned to advisors who can help them define what these goals may be. Academic advisors assist students with academic decisions and serve as a source of information and support to their advisees. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this resource, while understanding that academic and career decisions are ultimately their own responsibility.
Students are notified of their advisor’s name and location soon after classes begin. During every semester, students accepted into a degree or certificate program will be assigned to one of the following for academic advising:
- A specific Advisor
- Their Department of Study
- The Academic Advising Department
Assigned Advisor information can be found on ARIES (by selecting “Student Planning/Program Evaluation/Registration,” then “Plan Your Degree & Register for Classes,” and then “Advising”). Please note that many academic transactions require the advisor’s intervention, including a signature for course withdrawals, access to course registration, and applications for graduation. Current students can get additional advising information and resources by visiting the 十大彩票平台Net Portal Advising page here.
Students who are interested in applying to the College and/or have questions about transferring to 十大彩票平台 should contact the Office of Admissions at 413-755-3333 or
Disability Services
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is the central contact point for 十大彩票平台 students with documented disabilities. The goal of ODS is to ensure that 十大彩票平台 programs and services are accessible to qualified students with disabilities. ODS works with faculty and other members of the campus community to provide individualized academic accommodations and support services while promoting student responsibility and self-advocacy. It is the student’s responsibility to make known a need for academic accommodations and services by providing appropriate documentation of the disability to ODS, formally requesting accommodations by meeting with an ODS accommodations or learning specialist, and by presenting an official ODS accommodation form to each of his or her professors every semester. Guidelines for documentation can be downloaded at
For more information about services for students with disabilities, visit or call (413) 755-4785. ODS offices are located in the Ira H. Rubenzahl Student Learning Commons (Building 19), Room 141, and are open Monday through Friday from 8am - 4pm.
Registration Information and Policies
Registration Process
Returning students may begin registering for the winter and spring terms during the priority registration period in November, and for the summer and fall terms in April of each year. After meeting with advisors to discuss course selection, returning students may register for courses online using their individual ARIES accounts. It is the student’s responsibility to seek out information concerning departmental course requirements prior to registration. This may be done with the assistance of the faculty advisor, or department chairperson. Returning students are expected to pay their bills and complete the registration process prior to the start of classes.
New students will be sent information regarding registration with their acceptance letter.
Students wishing to change their schedules may do so through the period noted on the academic calendar. Admittance to a course at this time is, however, dependent upon the seats available.
Class Schedule
Class schedules are published throughout the year, and are subject to change.
In the majority of cases, with the exception of Directed Study courses, three-credit courses meet three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and are of 50 minutes duration, or are 75 minutes long and meet twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Specific times on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (12:15pm-1:15pm) are reserved as college hours, when meetings and co-curricular activities can occur. Exceptions may be found in career curricula and other special programs.
Repetition of Courses
A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade in a course may repeat the course a maximum of two times unless the departmental guidelines stipulate a fewer number. (A student requesting to repeat a course a third time must obtain the approval of the Dean who oversees the course.) All grades will appear on the transcript, but only the last grade will be used in calculating the quality point average.
For financial aid purposes, there is a limit to the number of times that students can repeat coursework. A student may repeat a previously passed course one time in an attempt to receive a better grade. A course that was previously not passed may be repeated up to two times.
Change In Class Schedule
Students are permitted to add and drop courses without penalty prior to the start of the semester and during the period noted on the academic calendar.
Audit Policy
Students may request to audit classes by submitting a Request to Audit a Course eform to the Registrar’s Office. Students can access this form on the Registrar’s Office page on the 十大彩票平台 Portal. Requests to Audit classes may not be submitted after the last day to make schedule changes without penalty. Students should refer to the Academic Calendar for this date.
There is no Tuition/Fee reduction for Auditing courses. Financial aid is also not available for Audited courses. Students auditing a course are not required to take exams, submit homework, or regularly attend class meetings, but may if they choose to. Audited classes do not receive credit and are issued a final grade of AU, having no impact on the student’s GPA.
Course Withdrawals and Drops
Students are withdrawn or dropped from a course in the following ways:
A student may drop a course during the Drop Period (as noted on the Academic Calendar) without being recorded as ever having been enrolled in that course. There is no financial penalty for dropping a course during the posted Drop Periods.
A student may be administratively dropped during the Registration and Add/Drop periods for various reasons including, but not limited to, not making acceptable payment arrangements by the billing due date and course cancellations. The student will be dropped from the course without being recorded as ever having been enrolled in that course. There is no financial penalty when a student is dropped for one of these reasons.
(Note: Required for Federal Enrollment Reporting and Financial Aid Compliance)
A student’s initial class attendance is verified at the beginning of each term. Instructors will notify the Registrar of any student on their roster who has never attended/participated in the course. The student will be dropped from the course without being recorded ever as having been enrolled in that course. There is no financial penalty when a student is dropped during Class Attendance Verification.
(Note: For more information, including how the above policy may impact a student’s financial aid award, please see Withdrawing and Refund Policies)
Students may withdraw from a course or courses in ARIES after the last day to make schedule changes without penalty. Students should refer to the Academic Calendar for the semester withdrawal deadline date. A final course grade of “W” will be recorded on the student’s transcript and will not be calculated into the GPA, but is considered when calculations of attempted and completed credits are made in the financial aid awarding process. Courses withdrawn are subject to billing charges. Information regarding the 十大彩票平台 refund period is available on the 十大彩票平台 website.
(Note: For more information, including how the above policy may impact a student’s financial aid award, please see Withdrawing and Refund Policies.)
Medical Leave Policy
A medical withdrawal is initiated by a student when the student’s medical condition interferes with their ability to do coursework, manage day-to-day functions, or conduct themselves safely in the college environment. The purpose of a medical withdrawal is to support students in taking time away from school to receive treatment, to focus their time and resources on improving their health, and eventually return to the College with a significantly improved chance of academic and personal success.
Tuition and fee refunds are not issued to students who are medically withdrawn from the College. A student who receives financial aid will have their aid recalculated according to federal and state requirements. More information on withdrawing can be found at:
Please carefully review 十大彩票平台’s policies for withdrawing from the College prior to completing and submitting the required documents. This procedure applies to all students registered for classes at the College.
Also, a student who withdraws from college on a medical leave may be required to comply with the College’s Re-Entry Policy before being permitted to resume classes. The College’s Re-Entry Process is administered by the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs. For more information please read the College’s Re-Entry Process Following Absence Due to Medical Leave or Hospitalization.
Copies of the Medical Leave Re-Entry Policy are available in the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs or electronically on the 十大彩票平台 Student Affairs web page.
Students Placed on Active Military Orders
3691A. Withdrawal or leave of absence from certain education
(a) In General
- A covered member may, after receiving orders to enter a period of covered service, withdraw or take a leave of absence from covered education.
- The institution concerned may not take any adverse action against a covered member on the basis that such covered member withdraws or takes a leave of absence under paragraph (1).
- Adverse actions under subparagraph (A) include the following:
- The assessment of any financial penalty against a covered member.
- The characterization of any absence of a covered member from covered education as unexcused.
- The reduction of the grade point average of a covered member for covered education.
- The assignment of a failing grade to a covered member for covered education.
(b) Withdrawal
If a covered member withdraws from covered education under subsection (a), the institution concerned shall refund all tuition and fees (including payments for housing) for the academic term from which the covered member withdraws.
(c) Leave of Absence
If a covered member takes a leave of absence from covered education under subsection (a), the institution concerned shall-
- assign a grade of “incomplete” (or equivalent) to the covered member for covered education for the academic term from which the covered member takes such leave of absence; and
- to the extent practicable, permit the covered member, upon completion of the period covered service, to complete such academic term.
(d) Definitions
- The term “covered education” means a course of education-
- at an institution of higher education; and
- paid for with educational assistance furnished under a law administered by the Secretary.
- The term “covered member” means a member of the Armed Forces (including the reserve components) enrolled in covered education.
- The term “covered service” means-
- active service or inactive-duty training, as such terms are defined in section 101 of title 10; or
- State active duty, as defined in section 4303 of this title.
- The term “institution concerned” means, with respect to a covered member, the institution of higher education where the covered member is enrolled in covered education.
- The term “institution of higher education” has the meaning given such term in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001).
- The term “period of covered service” means the period beginning on the date on which a covered member enters covered service and ending on the date on which the covered member is released from covered service or dies while in covered service.
(Added Pub. L. 117-328, div. U, title II, §216(a), Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5455 .)
Directed Study
A directed study is an independent study of variable credit conducted during the academic semester by arrangement between the student and the faculty member. A contract is developed between the faculty member and the student usually in an advanced area of study not currently covered by an existing course offered at the College. Directed Studies are numbered 270-279 and carry the title of “Directed Study” and the name of the academic department offering the course. Contract forms are available in the Registrar’s Office. Students register for this course in the usual fashion but a copy of the fully executed contract must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the last day of the add/drop period for the semester. Contracts are kept on file in the Registrar’s Office and may be sent upon request, with official transcripts.
Cross Registration: CCGS
The Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield is an educational consortium composed of the eight public and private colleges in the Greater Springfield area: American International College, Bay Path University, Elms College, Holyoke Community College, Springfield College, Springfield Technical Community College, Western New England University, and Westfield State University. Founded in 1971, the organization fosters the sharing of programs, talents, and facilities, to bring to this area the educational resources of a university while retaining the initiative and vitality of independent institutions. Cross Registration has been established so that in each semester or term, any CCGS student attempting at least six semester hours in a degree program may enroll at another college for any regular term course that is not offered at his or her own institution, as long as the desired course is not over subscribed. This cross registration policy does not apply to evening, weekend, summer, or winter courses at 十大彩票平台. The last day for CCGS students to register is the last day of add/drop. The student is billed by his or home institution. Study at the host institution is scheduled as part of the student’s normal credit load, and all records for such academic achievement are kept by the registrar of the student’s home college. Grades earned in CCGS exchange courses will be reflected on the transcript of the home institution and calculated into the QPA.
Credit Overload Policy
Full-time status for students is 12 or more credit hours. Students enrolled in fewer than 12 credits are considered part-time for all semesters. Due to the abbreviated nature of the winter, summer and flex terms, it is important to understand that three to six credits taken over these abbreviated terms can be equivalent to the amount of work of a full-time course load. Students who wish to register for more than the maximum credit load must complete the Credit Overload Request form on the Academic Advising and Transfer Center portal page.
Fall and Spring Semesters
The typical load for students is 12 credit hours per 14-week semester. The maximum enrollment is 21 credit hours for a full semester. There are two flex term options within the full semester. The maximum enrollment is 12 credit hours per flex term. Any combination of sessions during a fall semester (e.g., fall, Flex I and/or Flex II terms) has a maximum enrollment of 21 credit hours or any combination of sessions during a spring semester (e.g., Spring, Flex I and/or Flex II) has a maximum enrollment of 21 credit hours.
Winter Session
The maximum enrollment is 9 credit hours in the winter session.
Summer Session
There are three term options within the summer session. The maximum enrollment in the Summer Extended term is 18 credit hours and Summer I and II have a maximum of 12 credit hours. Any combination of Summer terms has a maximum enrollment of 18 credit hours.
Financial Aid and Enrollment Reporting
For the purposes of federal financial aid and reporting to the National Student Clearinghouse, the college will combine the credit hours of enrollment for winter with the full spring semester and flex terms, all summer terms, as well as the full fall semester and flex terms to determine academic load.
Developmental Courses
Developmental Courses (Non-College Level)
十大彩票平台 offers courses that aid students with deficiencies in specific subject areas. These courses, with course numbers below 100, are intended to raise the student’s skill to college-level. The following policy applies:
- Academic credit will be awarded for developmental courses, but will not count toward graduation credit.
- Developmental courses shall not be calculated into a student’s quality point average on a semester basis, and will not be calculated into a student’s cumulative GPA. However, these courses are calculated along with college-level credit to determine academic standing.
- All developmental courses shall appear on students’ transcripts.
Be sure that you consult your academic advisor to see which of your courses are developmental.
Academic Progress
Academic Standing
The grade point average (GPA) is an important indicator of a student’s academic standing at the College. Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA in order to be eligible for graduation from 十大彩票平台 (and some degree programs require minimum GPAs higher than 2.0). Each matriculated student’s academic standing is evaluated at the conclusion of every Fall and Spring semester. Students deemed to be in poor academic standing based on their cumulative GPA will be subject to either an academic warning, or an academic suspension. The criteria used to determine standings include a student’s total number of attempted credits as well as a student’s cumulative GPA.
The minimum cumulative GPA required to maintain a good academic standing is outlined below:
Attempted Credit Hours
Minimum Cumulative GPA
Required for Good Academic Standing
Students who do not achieve good academic standing status at the conclusion of a semester will be placed on academic warning. Students who receive academic warnings will be suspended if, after a subsequent semester, they fail to meet the minimum cumulative QPA requirements defined above AND they fail to achieve a minimum term GPA of 2.0 in the subsequent term.
Attempted Credits: For the purposes of the Academic Standing policy, all course attempts are counted, including courses from which a student has withdrawn or received a grade of Incomplete (credits received through transfer or through examination such as Challenge or CLEP are not included in the calculation of attempted credits).
Cumulative GPA: Although the College does not factor grades from developmental courses (which cannot be applied directly towards college-level degree requirements, and whose numbers begin with “0,” such as “DWT-099” or “ALGB-087”) into the Academic GPA, these grades are factored into the Cumulative GPA for the purpose of evaluating a student’s academic standing.
NOTE: Academic Standing does not take into account attempted credits or cumulative GPA pertaining to a previously awarded 十大彩票平台 certificate or associate degree. For the purposes of determining academic standing, only credits attempted and grades earned since the student’s last 十大彩票平台 credential was awarded will be evaluated.
Academic Warnings
A student who has been issued an academic warning must work with an advisor to plan action steps to improve his/her academic performance. Students who’ve received academic warnings will be removed from academic warning status if, at the conclusion of the next semester, they have met the criteria for good academic standing outlined above. Alternatively, a student may be continued on academic warning status if their cumulative GPA remains below that required for good academic standing but their semester GPA is 2.0 or higher.
Academic Suspensions
A student who has been academically suspended will not be allowed to continue in his/her degree or certificate program at the College, and any courses for which the student is registered for upcoming semesters will be dropped. An academically-suspended student has a right to submit a written appeal to the Student Success Center. Appeals must be submitted prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student hopes to return. Click here to access the suspension appeal form.
Unsatisfactory Progress
If you are not doing well in a class or program at 十大彩票平台, check with your instructor early in the semester to find out how you can improve your work. If you are still unable to perform satisfactorily according to your instructor’s expectations for the course, contact your academic advisor as soon as possible. If you are unable to contact your advisor, or do not know who your academic advisor is, visit the Student Success Center to look up your advisor’s name and contact information. Tutors are available in many subjects and can be accessed in the Student Success Center (Building 19/2nd floor), the STEM Center (17/425), the Writing Center (13/1st floor) and in individual departments. You are reminded that as long as you are registered in a class, you must make satisfactory progress. The college provides a date each semester in which you can withdraw from a course without penalty. To withdraw from the course, you will need to go to the Registrar’s Office, Bldg. 19, 1st floor for the appropriate paperwork.
Grading Policies
Grading System
Letter Grade
Quantitative Equivalent
Quality Points Earned per Credit Hour
< 60
No Grade
No Grade
* Non-credit courses are not figured into the Grade Point Average.
Grade Changes
Final grades may be changed with written request from the instructor of the course and with written approval of the Academic Dean. Grade Change requests must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office and are limited to courses completed two years or less from the date of the request. Final grades may not be changed to a withdrawn status of “W.”
Upon graduation from the College, a student’s academic record may not be altered.
Incomplete Grades
The grade of Incomplete (I) indicates that a major requirement of the course has not been completed. The following policy applies:
The Incomplete grade is a temporary grade reserved for those special circumstances when a student, otherwise in good standing in a course, is unable to satisfy all course requirements by the end of the semester.
The Incomplete grade is appropriate when the student has completed no less than seventy-percent of the course requirements per the syllabus and is likely to complete the missing work by the end of the fourth week of the subsequent semester.
Upon completion of the work, the instructor will change the “I” to a permanent grade; otherwise, the incomplete “I” will change to an “F” four weeks after the beginning of the next regular academic semester.
Students must initiate a request for an Incomplete grade from the instructor by completing the Incomplete Grade Request Form.
Mid-Semester Grades
At mid-semester of the 14-week Spring and Fall terms, students will be graded by each of their professors. These grades will be recorded by the Registrar and available to view on the Student’s Program Evaluation through the end of the semester in which the grades were issued. These grades will not become part of a student’s permanent record but are used to indicate his/her performance through the first half of the semester.
Attendance/Tardiness and Absences
As part of their responsibilities as learners, students are expected to report to class on time, and to attend classes regularly. If a student will be absent from class, the student should contact the professor directly to notify him or her of the absence. If a student cannot reach his or her instructor(s) and has been absent for three or more consecutive days, the student can contact the Division of Student Affairs Office or complete a Student Absence Notification Request to have an email sent to the professors alerting them of the absence. Please note that notifying the Division of Student Affairs and/or completing of the Student Absence Notification Request does not excuse an absence, but rather serves to communicate to your professor(s) the reason for, and expected duration of, the student’s absence.
The Registrar of the College will administratively drop or withdraw students for excessive absences if, at midterm of a 14-week Fall or Spring semester, a failing midterm grade is reported and the faculty member also reports that the student has not attended classes since the end of the fifth week of the semester. Depending on the attendance information submitted from faculty, when a student is administratively dropped, it will be recorded as never having been enrolled in that course. Conversely, when a student is administratively withdrawn, a final course grade of “W” will be recorded on the student’s transcript and will not be calculated into the GPA, but is considered when calculations of attempted and completed credits are made in the financial aid awarding process.
(Note: For more information, including how the above policy may impact a student’s financial aid award, please see Withdrawing and Refund Policies.)
Absence due to Religious Belief: Any student in an educational or vocational training institution who is unable because of his/her religious beliefs to attend class or to participate in any examination, study or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination or study or work requirement, and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study or work requirement that he/she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day; provided, however, that such a makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden on such school. The institution for making available to the said student such opportunity shall charge no fees of any kind. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to the student because of his/her availing himself/herself of the provisions of this section. Section 2B, Chapter 151C, Massachusetts General Law.
Absences for Pregnancy or Childbirth: In accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth, shall be excused for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences to be medically necessary. When the student returns to the College, she shall be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began, which includes the opportunity to make up any missed work. The College may offer the student alternatives to making up missed work such as: providing additional time to complete assignments beyond the semester, retaking a semester, or allowing the student to withdraw and re-enter the program at a later date. These alternatives will vary depending on the student’s unique situation, accreditation program requirements (if any) and input from the student’s faculty and dean.
Assessment of Student Learning
Springfield Technical Community College is committed to the achievement of excellence in teaching and learning as we prepare students for success in academic transfer, careers, and lifelong-learning. The College regularly engages in the assessment of course, program, service, and institution-level learning and success outcomes in order to ensure the continuous improvement of curricula, programs, and services offered by the College and for accreditation purposes. Students may be asked to participate in assessment activities such as focus groups, surveys, and interviews. Additionally, student coursework such as written assignments, exams, projects, and presentations may be used for the purposes of assessment and improvement. Assessment-related data are confidential, analyzed in a method that is separate and distinct from course grades, and presented in aggregate form only.
Challenge Exams
Students who wish to demonstrate proficiency in a course may take a Challenge Exam. The College has produced Challenge Examinations in subject-matter areas not found in the CLEP battery so that people who wish to demonstrate competence in specialized areas may do so. For more information, call the Coordinator of the Testing Center at 755-4709.
Final Examination and Assessment
The college provides for a final examination period at the end of each semester. This two or three hour period is considered part of the semester and is included in the calculation of total class hours for the semester. The use of the final examination period is mandatory, however, its nature and content is up to the discretion of the individual Instructor. The final examination schedule is prepared by the Registrar’s Office and is posted at the beginning of each semester. Students who are scheduled for more than two final examinations on one day may make alternate arrangements with their instructors. Any alteration of the final examination schedule must be approved in advance by the appropriate Academic Dean who will forward approved changes to the Registrar’s Office. Check the Final Exam Schedule link at the top of the college’s homepage for the current semester’s final exam schedule.
Make-Up Examinations
A student failing to take a semester examination may apply in writing to the appropriate academic dean and the instructor concerned, and, subsequently, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, who may give permission to take a make-up examination. If, in their opinion, absence from the regularly scheduled examination was unavoidable, the student may take a make-up examination upon payment of a $5 fee.
If the student’s absence is due to his/her religious beliefs, then the following legislation will apply-Section 28, Chapter 1S1C, Mass. General Laws
Any student in an educational or vocational training institution, who is unable, because of his religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination or study or work requirement, and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement that he may have missed because of such absence on any particular day; provided, however, that such makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon such school. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student because of his availing himself of the provisions of this section.
Graduation Policies
Graduation Requirements
The Springfield Technical Community College Board of Trustees has statutory authority under the Commonwealth’s Board of Higher Education to confer academic degrees. Candidates for Graduation shall have fulfilled the following requirements:
- Candidates for degrees and Board of Higher Education approved certificate programs must meet all departmental graduation requirements. A minimum of 60 credits is required in all Associate degree programs. Some programs may have a higher total credit requirement. Additionally, a minimum of 25% of the credits required in the program must be earned in residence at 十大彩票平台.
- Students enrolled in Associate degree programs are required to take a minimum of 20 credits in general education. The configuration of courses is distributed among math and the natural sciences, the humanities and the social and behavioral sciences.
- Candidates for certificates of completion must meet all the departmental graduation requirements. A minimum of 12 credit hours in the major must be earned in residency at 十大彩票平台.
- The student must have earned a minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.0 for all college level courses. Developmental courses are not credited toward graduation requirements.
- To earn a second degree at 十大彩票平台, the student must complete a minimum of 15 separate and distinct credits in the major at 十大彩票平台 with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and meet all specific requirements for the new program. To earn a second certificate of completion at 十大彩票平台, the student must complete a minimum of 12 separate and distinct credits in the major at 十大彩票平台 with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and meet all specific requirements of the new certificate of completion. Students wishing to complete both a degree and a certificate within the same department may do so as long as they fulfill all above requirements for both the degree and the certificate. When under these circumstances requirements overlap and the same course is required for both the degree and the certificate, students may apply the credit for a course they have taken only once, toward both the degree and the certificate.
Springfield Technical Community College certifies graduates three times a year in January, May and August. Although students may be certified as graduates at three points during the year there is only one Commencement ceremony which takes place each year in late May or early June.
Residency Requirements
Candidates for Associate degrees must complete a minimum of 25% of the credits in their major at 十大彩票平台 in order to fulfill the residency requirement. Candidates for a Certificate of Completion must complete a minimum of 12 College-Level credits in their major at 十大彩票平台 in order to fulfill the residency requirement. In order to be eligible for graduation honors the student must have completed 30 credits at 十大彩票平台. The GPA is based on all College Level courses taken at 十大彩票平台 prior to graduation.
Students returning following graduation from an Associate degree program at 十大彩票平台 must fulfill the same residency requirements as stated above while enrolled in the new Associate degree program. An exception will be made for returning students enrolled in a Certificate of Completion program in the same discipline provided that the program is completed and graduation is awarded within one calendar year following the award of the Associate degree. In such circumstances the requirement of 12 distinct credits in the major may be fulfilled using credits taken while matriculating in the Associate degree.
Students who first complete a Certificate of Completion and are then enrolled in an Associate degree program in the same discipline are treated as native students in that degree program. Courses and credit from the Certificate program may be used to fulfill requirements for the degree program and can be used to meet the residency requirement for the degree.
Commencement Participation
Springfield Technical Community College certifies graduates three times a year in January, May and August. Graduates of 十大彩票平台 must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, have successfully completed all course work and credit requirements for the degree or certificate, and have fulfilled all other departmental or program requirements.
A Commencement Ceremony will take place once each year in late May or early June. The following students are eligible to participate in Commencement;
August Graduates - Students who graduate in August can attend the following year’s Commencement Ceremony and will be noted as graduates if they have not already participated as a Prospective Graduate in the previous year’s Commencement Ceremony.
January Graduates - Students who graduate in January can attend the current year’s Commencement Ceremony and will be noted as graduates in the current year’s Commencement Program.
May Graduates - Students who graduate in May can attend the current year’s Commencement Ceremony and will be noted as graduates in the current year’s Commencement Program.
- Prospective Graduates - Students who are deficient in not more than one (1) course totaling not more than four (4) credits are eligible to participate in the current year’s Commencement Ceremony if they have earned a minimum GPA of 2.0 or better and have fulfilled all other departmental or program requirements. A Prospective Graduate who wishes to participate in Commencement must complete the Prospective Graduate form on the Registrar’s Office page of the 十大彩票平台Net Portal.
Commencement Regalia Policy
十大彩票平台 graduates are welcome to wear cords, stoles, and medals representing their achievements and membership in recognized 十大彩票平台 clubs, organizations and student support programs. Students are encouraged to check with their respective club/organization/program to determine if graduation regalia is established and available. Students will be responsible for any fees associated with those items if regalia is not otherwise sponsored/provided by the club/organization/program. Those recognized 十大彩票平台 clubs, organizations and support programs will register their respective stole, cording or medal(s) with the Office of Student Activities & Development; this directory will be maintained by the Division of Student Affairs.
Recognition of Academic Achievement
Dean’s List
In order to recognize excellence in academic performance, a Dean’s List is published each Fall and Spring semester on the College’s Website and is noted on the official transcript. Matriculated students carrying 12 or more college-level credits and a 3.3 GPA within a semester will be awarded Dean’s List status provided that no grade is less than a “C” (2.0) or an incomplete grade during that semester. In addition, Dean’s List status will be awarded to matriculated students who have earned a combined total of 12 or more college-level credits with a 3.3 GPA over the previous two consecutive semesters provided that no grade is less than a “C” (2.0) or an incomplete grade in the two semesters being evaluated. Students awarded Dean’s List based on the evaluation of two consecutive semesters will be awarded Dean’s List only in one of the two consecutive semesters. Summer and Winter semester coursework is not used in the calculation of Dean’s List. (Policy revised 12/2016)
Commencement Honors
Graduates and Prospective Graduates in Associate Degree programs who have exceptional GPAs with a minimum of 30 college level credits in residence are eligible for recognition as Honors students at Commencement. Recognition at Commencement will be based on the cumulative GPA the student holds at the time of the Commencement ceremony. Final awarding of Academic Honors will occur once all outstanding credits required for the degree, if any, have been recorded. For Prospective Graduates participating in Commencement, final awarding and recording of Honors on their transcript will be based on their GPA following the completion of their final credits.
Honors designation will be as follows: Honors (GPA of 3.3 to 3.69), High Honors (3.7 to 3.89) and Highest Honors (3.9 to 4.0).
Graduates of Associate Degree programs who have a minimum of 30 college level credits in residence and who complete all requirements to be certified for graduation while maintaining a GPA of 4.0 will be awarded the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award. Although all students are eligible for the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, recognition at Commencement will only be for those awardees who have completed all degree requirements prior to Commencement.
Scholarships And Awards
There are a wide variety of scholarships and awards available, ranging from departmental achievement to all-College awards, to corporate and organizational awards and scholarships from off-campus sources. The reference librarian can assist students in finding information on many off-campus awards. On-campus awards are publicized through The 十大彩票平台ler in March and April. Individual departments publicize departmental and school awards.
At the College’s Annual Honors Convocation, Outstanding Academic Achievement awards are given to graduating seniors who have achieved a 4.0 Quality Point Average. Other awards given at the Honors Convocation include awards to those students whose academic records in their departments are outstanding, and to those who have contributed significantly to the total college community through their co-curricular participation. Additionally, College-wide scholarships presented at the 十大彩票平台 Foundation’s Annual Scholarships Ceremony include:
Alumni Association Scholarships; • Amy H. Carberry Scholarship; • Athletic Excellence Awards; • Board of Higher Education Scholarships; • Carl F. Junker Scholarships; • Co-Curricular Award; • Dan Roulier Single Parent Scholarships; Dean of Students Scholarship;• Edmond R Garvey Awards; • Ernest J. Henderson Scholarship; • Eugene A. Pederzoli Scholarship; Evelyn T. and Eugene DiLizia Scholarship;• John H. Dunn Scholarship; • Joseph J. Cooligan Award; • Joseph J. Deliso Sr. Scholarships; • Kenneth L. Bonardi Jr. Scholarship; • Lee Tuthill Scholarships; • Lucille Goodson Parks Award; • Mary E. O’Leary Scholarship; MassPower Scholarship; • Ray M. Di Pasquale Scholarship; • Robert M. Pasini Memorial Scholarship; • 十大彩票平台 Non-Traditional Scholarship; • Springfield Industrial Association Scholarships; • Tazzini Family Scholarship; • Teresina B. Thompson Award; • Trudie David Scholarship; • Virginia M. Smith Scholarship; • William DeRosia Scholarship; • WMECO Scholarship; • Yolande S. Croteau Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
The Alpha Psi Sigma Chapter of the International Honor society for two-year colleges offers membership to any student who has earned 12 graduation credits with a quality point average of 3.5. Phi Theta Kappa emphasizes leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and community service, therefore members are required to perform a minimum of 10 hours of documented community service per semester in order to maintain membership in good standing. There is a $80 one-time membership fee. For more information, please contact the PTK Advisors, Steven Nelson,, or Ashley Pease,
Student Records
Student Information Privacy Policy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 affords students certain rights with respect to their academic records. In compliance with the law the College has established the following policy:
1. All students, current and former, have a right to inspect and review their academic records. Requests to view information that is not available online to students must be made in writing to the Registrar’s Office. No confidential information (for example, students’ schedules, grades, GPA, etc.) is released over the telephone or without positive identification. The College will not release original documents contained within the student’s academic file to the student. When physical distance makes the examination of the records impractical, the College will provide to the student copies of the records. The College will respond to all requests to review records within 45 days.
2. Students have the right to request the amendment of their academic records to ensure they are not inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the College denies a student’s request to amend his/her record, the student has a right to a hearing.
3. Confidential student information, also referred to as “personally identifiable information,” shall not be released absent a student’s prior written consent unless an exception exists under the federal law. For example, school officials with a “legitimate educational interest” have access to students’ confidential records for a) internal educational purposes; b) routine administrative and statistical purposes; c) instructing and advising a student in an academic area; and d) emergency situations. These individuals include faculty, administrators, clerical and professional staff, and other persons who need student records information for the effective functioning of their office or position. “Confidential student records” include students’ grades, class schedules, disciplinary records, and all other non-directory information contained in a student’s record. No record of access will be kept if the obtained information is considered directory information, is required for normal clerical maintenance of a file, or is seen by College personnel in the normal performance of their responsibilities.
4. Directory (i.e., non-confidential) information includes:
- · Name
- · Address (including 十大彩票平台 e-mail address)
- · Major field of study
- · Certificates/degrees earned (and dates of graduation)
- · Dates of attendance and enrollment status
- · Academic designations and awards (e.g., Dean’s List, academic scholarships, etc)
This information may be released by the College without a student’s prior written consent. Students may elect to withhold directory information by contacting the Registrar’s Office in writing.
5. Generally schools must have written permission from the eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions:
- · School officials with legitimate educational interest
- · Other schools in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
- · Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
- · Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
- · Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school
- · Accrediting organizations
- · A person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using College employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent)
- · A person serving on the Board of Trustees with a legitimate educational interest
- · A student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks
- · To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
- · Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies
6. Notwithstanding the College’s definition of directory information, the Department of Defense (the “DOD”), pursuant to the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997 (the “Solomon Amendment”), identifies the following information as “student recruiting information”: NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE LISTING, AGE, PLACE OF BIRTH, LEVEL OF EDUCATION (e.g., freshman, sophomore), DEGREE AWARDED, MOST RECENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ATTENDED, and CURRENT MAJOR(S) If the College receives a request for student recruiting information from the DOD, or one of its affiliated agencies, the College will release the student recruiting information requested. Because the information sought by the DOD may include information not designated as directory information under the College’s policy, compliance with the DOD’s request may result in the release of personally identifiable information. When student recruiting information is released pursuant to a DOD request, notice of the request and the release of the information will be posted in a conspicuous location in the College’s Registrar’s Office for a period equaling one academic year. If a student has exercised his/her right to request that no information be designated as directory information, then no information shall be released to any third party, including the DOD.
7. Students have a right to file a complaint with the US Department for Education concerning alleged failures of the College to comply with FERPA.
Solomon Amendment
十大彩票平台 complies with the Solomon Amendment, which was contained in the Omnibus Consolidation Appropriations Act of 1997. This requires that the U.S. Department of Defense have access to certain student recruiting information which includes name, address, telephone number, and if known, student’s age, level of education, and major. Schools that fail to comply with a Solomon request may be ineligible to receive funds from certain federal programs. Students should contact the Registrar’s Office to complete a non-disclosure of directory information form if they do not want this information released.
USA Patriots Act
Following the September 2001 terrorist attacks, the United States Congress passed and President Bush signed the U.S.A. Patriots Act. The law institutes a number of measures aimed at strengthening America’s defenses against terrorism. The Patriot Act amends several provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) by providing the United States Attorney General, or his/her designee, with access to student record information when said request is in connection with an investigation or prosecution of terrorism crimes. The Attorney General’s request for student record information shall take the form of a court order authorizing the Attorney General’s access to such information for the purpose stated above. The Act further provides that a College need not make a record of the disclosure in the student’s file, as FERPA ordinarily requires. Contact the Registrar’s Office for additional information on the U.S.A. Patriots Act.
Changes in Biographical Data
The following process is followed when any student seeks to change his or her biographical data as provided and maintained in College records.
Legal Name - A student’s legal name shall be used on all College documents, systems and communications external to the College and/or where a legal name is required. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Financial Aid records;
- Student Accounts records;
- Student Personally Identifiable Information;
- Student Directory information;
- Payroll records;
- Health records;
- Official transcripts;
- Federal immigration documents; and
- Interactions with government agencies.
In order for any student to change their legal name on College records, a student must present a certified copy of a court order or other legal document indicating a legal name change has been granted.
Sex Designation - In order for any student to change their sex designation in official College records, a student must provide a certified copy of a court order, or other legal identification, such as a Massachusetts driver’s license, reflecting the change in sex.
Preferred First Name
The College recognizes that some students may prefer to use a first name other than their legal name to identify themselves. As long as the use of a preferred first name is not for an improper purpose, the College acknowledges that a preferred first name can and should be used where possible in the course of College business and education. Students may use a preferred first name wherever a legal name is not required on internal documents, communications, systems, and web portals. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Student identification cards;
- Email and calendar entries;
- Class rosters and advisor lists;
- Learning Management Systems; and
- Diplomas, awards, and recognitions.
New, re-admitted, and current students can inform the college of their preferred first name by completing the Preferred First Name Change Form available on the Registrar’s Office Portal page. For more information please visit the Preferred First Name webpage.